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5 Startup Marketing Ideas to Bootstrap Your Ecommerce Store

5 Startup Marketing Ideas to Bootstrap Your Ecommerce Store

Creating an online store and preparing inventory is the first step to selling online. After all this, you must reach the right people to publicize your products or services and start selling. 

Whether you're just starting to run your store or you've already had one running for a while, marketing actions are essential for success. It doesn't hurt to analyze your current tactics or implement new ideas that help you attract customers. A very valid option is to hire a company; another can be to take care of these tasks yourself.

Although the strategies and results will depend on your business and the public you focus on, there are areas of digital marketing that are essential for the success of any online business, which you can only do with among them.

 Ideas to Bootstrap Your Ecommerce Store

1. Content Marketing

For many, content is the essential element of online marketing. A content marketing strategy will help you grab your audience's attention, start building a reputation, and connect with your customers.

Tips for your strategy:

  • Share content in different formats – having a blog and writing daily posts is one of many ways to do content marketing. You should share content in various forms to make it more attractive to other broadcast platforms and social networks.
  • Tailor your content to contexts – While content marketing is suitable for driving traffic to your store, it's not just about creating promotional content. It's about delivering value to your customers. 
  • Use User-Generated Content – ​​This is a great way to create customer interactions. Take the most common doubts and create content to solve them, encourage your users to share photos using your products, write success stories, or share stories of satisfied customers, etc.
  • Use the power of images and videos – Visual content is easy to share and understand, so don't hesitate to use this type of content to grab users' attention.

2. SEO

Although SEO is highly complicated, you shouldn't leave it aside. Carrying out SEO actions will ensure that your customers can find your products while searching on the Internet. SEO and content marketing are strategies that should go together.

Tips for your strategy:

  • Optimize for mobiles: every day, it is more common for customers to browse the Internet through mobile devices, so having a site optimized for these devices is good for improving your web positioning and the user experience. 
  • Analyze the keywords for your business and optimize your content: Keywords are a fundamental element in any SEO strategy, so take the time to analyze your products and optimize your content. Remember that it is best to include them naturally.

3. Social media

Currently, social networks have become one of the main channels to promote, connect with consumers, and offer personalized and immediate customer service.

Tips for your strategy:

  • Select the right social networks: You don't have to have a profile on every social network. 
  • Be creative when promoting products: promote your products by sharing original photos or videos. A good way is to show the product's usefulness or how customers can use it to make them more attractive to users.
  • Interact with your customers: Build a relationship with your followers, respond to comments, share quality content, etc. Try to carry out actions that make your users engage and keep your business in mind.

4. Email marketing

This is one of the best-known areas of digital marketing. Email marketing has been used for several years and is still essential for any marketing plan.

Tips for your strategy:

  • Create a great welcome message for your subscribers:  Keep in mind that every customer who shares their email with your business expects to receive something valuable. Create a creative and engaging welcome message to let them know they did the right thing by signing up.
  • Create email lists: They recommend creating lists for different types of customers so that you can send personalized emails and promotions.
  • Use different strategies to increase your mailing list: popup messages, contests, etc., to encourage your customers to subscribe.

5. Online Advertising (SEM)

To boost your marketing efforts, paid ads are a great option. Today there are many options for creating ad campaigns to suit any budget, from social media platforms, Google ads, websites, YouTube, etc.

Tips for your strategy:

  • Improve your ads: Once you run a campaign, stay on top of everything going on so you can make the necessary changes to make it work. 
  • Analyze your advertising channels to create campaigns for each part of the purchase funnel: analyze your sales and the different means by which your customers reach your site. This way, you can create ad campaigns for the different phases of the conversion funnel.

Remember that all the strategies you carry out must consider the characteristics of your clients and effectively communicate the image of your company or products. Start executing these tips, and remember to keep track of all your marketing actions to improve constantly.

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